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Sea Moss and Immune

Updated: Sep 12, 2020

. Sea Moss Contains Iron and Can Help You Have More Energy.  Sea moss is full of iron, which many plant-based eaters lack because it's commonly found in animal foods like meat, poultry, and seafood. Sea moss contains about 9 milligrams of iron per 100 grams, which means sea moss has 9 times more iron than chicken. When you're feeling fatigued or low energy, it may be because your iron levels are low, since iron helps your body create red blood cells to move oxygen from your lungs to your cells. On top of taking a healthy iron supplement, try adding sea moss in a gel form to your smoothies and see if you begin to notice the difference in your energy. If you have ever been diagnosed with mild anemia, sea moss could work to help your body get the iron you need. 2. Sea Moss Contains More Than 90% of Nutrients Our Bodies Need. The tiny spiral yellow seaweed is extremely nutrient-dense, it's almost like nature's multi-vitamin. Otote explains that "sea moss has 92 of the 110 minerals the body is made from," and he calls it the "powerhouse." Sea moss contains beta-carotene, vitamin B, vitamin C, and sulfur as well as minerals like magnesium, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, and zinc. All these contribute to healthy cell functioning in the body. 4. Sea Moss Promotes Healthy Weight Loss.  Sea Moss contains high levels of iodine, a mineral found in a limited amount of foods. Our bodies need this mineral in moderation to produce thyroid hormones. "These hormones control the body's metabolism and many other important functions. The body also needs thyroid hormones for proper bone and brain development during pregnancy and infancy," according to a study by the National Institute of Health. The key is to get the right amount, however, and not too much. Sea Moss contains the vital thyroid hormone precursors that are important for healthy thyroid function and your body's metabolism. So if your thyroid is not functioning properly they can be beneficial and aid in weight loss. But before you use sea moss to boost thyroid hormones or as a weight-loss supplement, check with your doctor because you don't want to over-do these hormone precursors either. Moderation is the most important thing with thyroid function. 5. Sea Moss Can Help You Build Strong, Lean Muscles. The seaweed is rich in protein with 6 grams of protein per 100 grams of sea moss. Specifically, it contains an amino acid called taurine, which helps the body burn fat and build muscle. "Taurine has the ability to make the body burn fat instead of carbs during cardio," Otote says. 6. Sea Moss Strengthens the Immune System and Helps to Prevent Sickness.  Sea Moss also helps the body fight back against everyday aging and inflammation, in what could be called "the anti's:" Anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral. It's used as a treatment to help prevent and relieve cold and flu-like symptoms, in powdered form. "It can be used to prevent colds but also help you heal and recover from sickness," Otote says. Sea moss contains potassium chloride, which helps the body reduce inflammation and people take it to lower their risk of infections because of its positive impact on the immune system. Otote sums it up as a no-lose additive: "Sea moss when you're ill is a win, and sea moss when you're healthy is a win, it's a win-win.

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